Diamond Crest Realty & Brokerage is a duly registered company engaged in real estate sales & services. Its primary business is providing real estate services to corporate and individual clients. Shareholders consist of experienced business in the retail trade, former sales executives of multinationals in the real estate industry. VISION:
To be the leading innovator in providing sales & services in the real estate industry through cutting edge core competence and professionalism while conforming to strict business ethics. MISSION:
To provide principals with competent, reliable, trustworthy, value added services at competitive costs and at the same time ensure stakeholders of a healthy sustainable profitable growth of the core business and offer decent wages and incentives to its employees. CORE COMPETENCE:
1. Sales in the modern and traditional trade 2. Adequate know-how in category and sales management 3. A “killer instinct” mindset in ensuring dominant forward share for clients 4. Planning, execution and evaluation of projects 5. POP strongest tool in communication 6. Client KPIs key driver to policies and directions