CHOCOLATE HILLS – BOHOLThe unique landform known as the “Chocolate Hills” of Bohol was formed ages ago by the uplift of coral deposits and the action of rainwater and erosion.
These hills are scattered throughout the towns of Carmen, Batuan and Sagbayan, and consist of 1,268 mounds of the same general shape.
The National Committee on Geological Sciences declared the Chocolate Hills of Bohol a National Geological Monument (18 June 1988) THE CHOCOLATE HILLS – ATTRACTIONThe Chocolate Hills of Bohol, a natural attraction, are a must-see and included in most of the package tours in Bohol. It is approximately 1 hour drive from Tagbilaran City to the Chocolate Hills complex in Carmen, Bohol. They can also be viewed from Sagbayan Peak but the ones in Carmen are better. Read more about Bohol Package Tours including tours to Chocolate Hills. The hills are notable for their chocolate color when the low scrub dries out fully in the months of April and May. CHOCOLATE HILLS OF BOHOL – GEOLOGICAL HISTORYAbout two million years ago, most of the island of Bohol was underwater, below a shallow sea. Coral reefs thrived and extensively covered the sea floor. Over time during stormy days fragments of corals and shells were deposited in the reefs, forming thin layers surrounding the live coral reefs. Slowly the land rose causing the coral reef formations to emerge out of the sea.
The Chocolate Hills were carved out from the thin layers of coral and shell fragments. With rainwater acting on the layers of coral and shell fragments for ten to hundreds of thousands of years, gullies were deepened and widened to become streams, lakes were emptied by underground rivers and interconnected conical hills were formed from the original flat surface.
The Chocolate Hills that you now see are a product of the patient labouring of rainwater on a thin soluble limestone formation. *Some text taken from the marker at the base of Chocolate Hills complex Explore Bohol Package Tours Explore other Bohol Attractions: Philippine Tarsier Explore Bohol Resorts |